Oregon is home to approximately 821,000 acres of state-owned public forests. The vast majority of these public lands are found in the Clatsop and Tillamook State Forests in northwest Oregon, and the Elliott State Forest located east of Coos Bay. These coastal rainforests are home to an array of imperiled fish and wildlife species, including … Continue reading Safeguarding State Rainforest
Lawsuit Launched to Protect Threatened Marbled Murrelet from Clearcutting in Oregon State Forests
January 19, 2012
PORTLAND, OR.— Cascadia Wildlands, the Center for Biological Diversity and Audubon Society of Portland filed a notice of intent to sue the state of Oregon today over harmful clearcutting practices on the Elliott, Tillamook and Clatsop state forests. The notice presents evidence that the state’s practices are harming, harassing and otherwise leading to the demise of the federally protected marbled murrelet, which comes inland to nest and breed in mature and old-growth forests. The Endangered Species Act prohibits actions that injure threatened species, including destruction of their habitat.