Join with us in pursuing our vision by filling out the form below to learn about becoming a sustaining Cascadia Wildlands Keep it Wild Business Partner. Together, we can be the voice for wild places, wildlife, ecosystem function, and a sustainable future.
Please consider becoming involved to help make a difference for our valuable wildlands, natural resources, and its remarkable creatures.
We have support levels available for every business, large or small, that shares in our vision and wants to make a difference. Whether it is a yearly monetary gift, sponsorship of an event, or significant in-kind donation, your partnership plays a major role in our efforts to protect public forests and wild places.
We envision vast old-growth forests, rivers full of wild salmon, wolves howling in the backcountry, a stable climate, and vibrant communities sustained by the unique landscapes of the Cascadia Bioregion.
Levels of Giving:
Champions $15,000+
Leaders $10,000+
Sustainers $5000+
Defenders $2500+
Friends $500+