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The Umpqua Sweets timber sale proposes to log 2,000 acres of public forest on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land above the famed North Umpqua River on Highway 138. There is one logging unit directly along the river, and many up Bob, Rock, Honey and Susan Creeks. The sale proposes “regeneration harvest” (aka clearcut-style logging) on all of these forest stands.
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Of special concern for North Umpqua advocates, the timber sale would log some of the oldest forests the BLM could possibly target under their new plan — Douglas fir trees up to 170 years old, or much older for other species. In fact, the BLM proposes to punch in new roads through old-growth forests, which could result in the removal of trees over 300 years old. Additionally, imperiled salmon, steelhead and recreation opportunities could be impacted from logging along the North Umpqua River, right above the popular fishing spot called “The Narrows.”
Community wildfire safety should be addressed as a public issue first and foremost. While parts of this project could help to address wildfire hazards, the BLM’s clearcut-style logging methods actually increase the danger from wildfire.
Cascadia Wildlands’ field checkers recently found a natural rock arch within one of the proposed logging units (see picture below). This unique geological feature should be protected as a special site, not incorporated as part of an industrial logging project.

Read more about our findings exploring the Umpqua Sweets sale in our blog, Umpqua Sweets Chronicles Vol. 1-4!
Visit the BLM’s page to explore the project documents.
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Many thanks to all involved in the making of “Voices from the Umpqua”! Made in collaboration with The Steamboaters and the The North Umpqua Foundation. Film by Tim Lewis, Produced by Anne Dorsey & Gabe Scott, Drone footage by Steve Cole, Original score by Joey Helpish.