These temperate rainforests in south-central AK have only recently emerged from the last Ice Age (Brett Cole).Alaska's south coast is blanketed with lush temperate rainforests of spruce, hemlock and cedar. Wild salmon, wolves, moose, mountain goats, and bears thrive in this vast wilderness. As in the Pacific Northwest, Cascadia Wildlands works to conserve these vast old growth forests and restore areas degraded by resource extraction.
Our forest conservation work in Alaska focuses on the Tongass National Forest, Chugach National Forest and State of Alaska lands. Incredibly, old growth logging continues to threaten the integrity of this region. Cascadia Wildlands monitors and challenges virtually every old growth timber sale on the Tongass National Forest and State of Alaska lands. Visit the Sitka Conservation Society to see individual timber sales in the area. Thanks to our work and that of several other organizations, the days of old growth logging are nearing an end. Please see recent updates.