Decades of clearcutting and replanting have left us with millions of acres of dense, young tree farms. These tree farms consist of even-aged, single-species trees that do not function as dynamic, healthy forests or provide habitat for many wildlife species.
Recent science has shown that the continued survival of endangered wildlife such as the northern spotted owl requires proactive restoration of tree farms. A by-product of these restoration projects is wood for local mills and jobs for rural communities. Restoration forestry projects offer a win-win solution to protecting wildlife, providing timber products, reviving struggling economies, and avoiding further degradation of remaining ancient forests.
Cascadia Wildlands collaborates with community members, advises project planners, participates in field tours, and outreaches at community events to ensure that restoration projects adequately protect water supplies and genuinely restore habitat.
Links and resources
4. Legacy Roads Funding: A Briefing by USFS Region 6