October 20, 2014 — Cascadia Wildlands, along with a broad coalition of conservation groups, has filed suit over the Fish and Wildlife Service’s failure to list the wolverine on the Endangered Species Act list. The Fish and Wildlife Service officially withdrew its proposal to list the species after applied political pressure from a handful of western states. Only 250-300 wolverines call the contiguous United States home, living in small populations scattered across the west. A unanimous panel of Fish and Wildilfe scientists had previously recognized serious threats to the wolverine’s continued existence, acknowledging that the greatest threat to the species’ survival in the United States is habitat loss due to climate change.
Fish and Wildlife Service Plays Politics With Wolverine Survival
August 12, 2014 — Bowing to political pressure, today, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service) formally withdrew its proposal to list wolverines under the Endangered Species Act (ESA), despite the species’ small
population and serious threats to its continued existence. Only 250 to 300 wolverines call the contiguous U.S. home, living in small populations scattered across the West. Scientists unanimously acknowledge the greatest threat to the species’ survival in the U.S. is habitat loss resulting from climate change.
Wolverine killed by Idaho Trapper
January 14, 2014 — Fur trapping was one of the major reasons for exploration of Idaho and is still a legitimate wildlife management tool. Advances in trap design have resulted in more efficient traps capable of either catching and holding animals for later release or delivering a quick humane death. Despite all of the caution used to capture only targeted species, unintended species sometimes are caught. The Idaho Department of Fish & Game (IDFG) works with trappers to minimize non-target catches and pursue the best possible outcomes.
Press Release: Logging Plan Threatens Proposed Crater Lake Wilderness
December 3, 2013 — Cascadia Wildlands and Oregon Wild, represented by the Western Environmental Law Center, filed a legal challenge in Eugene today challenging the Umpqua National Forest’s proposed Loafer timber sale.
Coalition Comments on Federal Endangered Species Act Listing Proposal for Wolverines
On May 1, 2013 Cascadia Wildlands and a coalition of conservation groups file comments on the long awaited federal proposal to list wolverines in the lower 48 states under the … Continue reading Coalition Comments on Federal Endangered Species Act Listing Proposal for Wolverines