Join the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance and communities from across the PNW on June 13 for the Forests Are Our Future rally. We will call attention to the pivotal role our mature & old forests play in tackling climate change and demand that our leaders protect them through the NW Forest Plan Amendment and National Old Growth Amendment (EO 14702).
- WHAT: Rally with speakers, a community art project, tables for community orgs, and lots of ways to get more involved.
- WHEN: June 13, 2024 at 3:00 p.m.
- WHERE: 1220 SW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97204 (outside the Region 6 Forest Service office).
- WHY: Demand the Forest Service & Biden Admin stop logging mature & old growth forests and protect what’s left!
It’s past time to recognize our PNW forests as vital climate solutions, protect and restore our remaining mature & old growth forests, return healthy fire to the landscape, and value the expertise of indigenous land stewardship. Join us June 13th to speak out for the future of our forests!
*Cascadia Wildlands is a coalition member of the Pacific Northwest Forest Climate Alliance.