March 22, 2012: Hearing held in Senate subcommittee, chaired by Senator Ron Wyden, on Wild Rogue legislation.
March 8, 2012: House Natural Resources Subcommittee holds hearing on Wild Rogue legislation.
December 16, 2011: Senators Merkley and Wyden reintroduce legislation to permanently protect the Wild Rogue.
October 5, 2011: Governor Kitzhaber submits his "Crown Jewels" nominations to the Department of Interior. Included in the letter are the proposed Wild Rogue, Devil's Staircase, and Cathedral Rock and Horse Heaven Wilderness Areas. The Medford Mail Tribute runs a story on the crown jewels.
August 2010: Save the Wild Rogue Coalition produces "Stand Tall for the Rogue," a stakeholder advocacy video encouraging the Oregon delegation to reintroduce the legislation to Save the Wild Rogue. Watch it and take action now!
June 2010: Cascadia Wildland and allies continue to urge reintroduction of the Wild Rogue legislation in the House and Senate. The current version would create nearly 60,000 acres of new wilderness and designate 93 miles of the Rogue's tributaries as Wild and Scenic.
May 25, 2010: American Forests Resources Council vows not to oppose Wild Rogue legislation.
September 11, 2008: the US House of Representatives held a hearing on the "Oregon Treasures" legislation, which includes protection for the lower Rogue River's tributaries among other notable efforts. This is a major step forward in safeguarding this renowned area. It seems as if Senator Smith and Republican allies are obstructing a hearing in the Senate. Recall that earlier this summer, companion Wild Rogue legislation was introduced by Senator Wyden. Also on the 11th, our diverse coalition released the following report entitled "Regional Economic Impacts of Recreation on the Wild and Scenic Rogue River."
June 18, 2008: Representative's DeFazio and Blumenauer and Senator Wyden introduced legislation into Congress that would add 142 miles of Wild and Scenic River miles to tributaries of the famed Lower Rogue River as well as add 4,000 acres to the Oregon Caves National Monument and additional Wilderness acreage and Wild and Scenic River miles in the Mount Hood National Forest. Read a copy of of our coalition press release. Read news coverage in the Grants Pass Courier.
April 1, 2008: Reps. DeFazio (D-OR) and Blumenauer (D-OR) proposed a legislative concept that would add an additional 142 miles of Wild and Scenic River miles along many of the lower Rogue River's unprotected tributaries. This comes as great news to the public and our growing diverse coalition of business owners, conservation groups and other river stakeholders who are pushing for increased protection for the Wild Rogue River. Read the Register-Guard article on the proposal. The paper also recently offered an editorial in support of the effort. Former Oregon Governor John Kitzhaber opined in the Oregonian about the need to pursue Congressional protection for one of his favorite rivers. More information on the Save the Wild Rogue Campaign can be found at our coalition's website.