The Oregon State Land Board will meet on December 9th to discuss future options for the 93,000-acre Elliott State Forest. That really means that they are meeting to discuss the fate of the marbled murrelt, spotted owl and one of
the largest runs of Coho salmon on the Oregon coast. It also means that they will be discussing whether or not to continue providing some funding for schools via unsustainable forestry practices or, even worse, selling the forest to private timber companies that want to clearcut these important habitats. Please come testify on December 9th (three minuntes max) and tell the State Land Board that you favor a conservation solution which decouples school funding from clearcutting mature forests and protects these irreplacable habitats. Please speak up for the Elliott!

What: State Land Board Meeting
When: December 9, 2014 at 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Where: 775 Summer Street Northeast, Salem, OR 97301, USA
Where: 775 Summer Street Northeast, Salem, OR 97301, USA
Carpools will be leaving from Roseburg, Eugene and Portland. Contact Francis Eatherington for Roseburg, Josh Laughlin for Eugene, and Micah Meskel for Portland carpool information and to RSVP.
Preparing your testimony: Please consider preparing three-minute (maximum) testimony on behalf of yourself or the organization you represent. You should also plan to leave a hard copy of your testimony with Land Board staff after you testify.
Possible talking points include:
Decouple old-growth clearcutting from school funding on the Elliott
Protect the Elliott's remianing native forests, wild salmon and imperiled wildlife
Safeguard the Elliott for its hunitng, fishing and recreational opportunities and potential
Promote timber jobs on the forest by restoratively thinning the dense second-growth tree farms and enhancing fish and wildlife habitat
Oppose the privatization of the Elliott State Forest
It is encouraged that you personalize your testimony and remind the State Land Board why the Elliott is so important to you or your organization. Thanks for speaking up for this outstanding public resource!
(School kids stand in the threatened Elliott State Forest. Photo by Josh Laughlin)