Press Release: Legal Petition Filed to Regulate Washington Wolf-killing

May 11, 2020 — Conservation groups petitioned the Washington Fish and Wildlife Commission today for rules limiting when the state can kill endangered wolves for conflicts with livestock. The state has killed 31 wolves since 2012, relying on a protocol that skews heavily toward lethal and ineffective outcomes.

Jordan Cove Withdraws Removal Fill Application!

January 24, 2020 — Amidst enormous public opposition and just one week before the Department of State Lands (DSL) was set to make a decision on a critical Removal-Fill permit on the Jordan Cove LNG export terminal and Pacific Connector fracked gas pipeline, Pembina has withdrawn their application to the agency.

Wolves Under Assault on Multiple Fronts, Your Help Needed!

Both Washington and Oregon have released their 2018 wolf numbers and the Pacific Northwest has demonstrated minor gains in the face of continued poaching and state-funded wolf killing (Oregon’s wolf population increased from 124 wolves to 137 wolves statewide and Washington’s wolf population increased from 122 to 126). California’s wolves continue to live on the … Continue reading Wolves Under Assault on Multiple Fronts, Your Help Needed!

Battle for the Elliott State Forest Won! Land Board Votes to Keep Forest Public!

May 9, 2017 — In a 3-0 vote today, the Oregon State Land Board, made up of Governor Kate Brown, Treasurer Tobias Read and Secretary of State Dennis Richardson, terminated the protocol that led to the timber industry proposal to privatize the 82,500-acre Elliott State Forest in the Oregon Coast Range.