BLOG: Reporting Back from the Oakridge/Westfir Field Visit

By Danielle Curtis, 2021 Summer Legal Intern On an uncharacteristically rainy morning in mid-June, myself, along with my fellow Cascadia team members, pulled into the Middle Fork Willamette Ranger Station. Here, we would meet with representatives from Oregon Wild, as well as a number of Willamette National Forest District Rangers and fuel planners. The purpose … Continue reading BLOG: Reporting Back from the Oakridge/Westfir Field Visit

BLOG: Legal Interns Set Sights on the Murrelet

By Elie Steinberg & Marty Farrell, 2021 Summer Legal Interns In a time where billionaires set their sights toward the stars (or rather, just outside of earth’s atmosphere), we set our sights closer to home, towards the mossy branches of Oregon’s coastal mature and old-growth forests. On the branches of these forests, the marbled murrelet, … Continue reading BLOG: Legal Interns Set Sights on the Murrelet

BLOG: After the Fires, the Birds and the Blooms

by Rebecca White, Wildlands Director As we move into the post-wildfire season here in western Oregon, I am thinking of having some bumper stickers printed up. Maybe, “Gaia Knows Best.” Or perhaps, “What Would Gaia Do?” In the aftermath of this year’s big fires, I want to share the idea that when the land has … Continue reading BLOG: After the Fires, the Birds and the Blooms

INTERN-al UPDATE: A Snowy Field Check in Flat Country

By Courtney Kaltenbach Field Checking Intern for Cascadia Wildlands, Spring 2020 On a cool Saturday morning, over twenty people met in the Cascadia parking lot to prepare to go out on the first public field checking trip of the year into the Flat Country timber sale. Covid-19 had been declared an international pandemic three days … Continue reading INTERN-al UPDATE: A Snowy Field Check in Flat Country