Watch “Voices from the Umpqua” Now BACKGROUND The Umpqua Sweets timber sale proposes to log 2,000 acres of public forest on Bureau of Land Management (BLM) land above the famed North Umpqua River on Highway 138. There is one logging unit directly along the river, and many up Bob, Rock, Honey and Susan Creeks. The … Continue reading Umpqua Sweets Timber Sale
Umpqua Sweets Chronicles Vol 1: Down by the Riverside
by Gabriel Scott, In-House Counsel Is old growth clearcutting on public lands making a comeback on the North Umpqua River? Thus seems to say the BLM in its latest timber sale announcement, called “Umpqua Sweets.” While BLM’s official announcement is itself so vague and legalistic as to melt into nothing, recent groundtruthing of their proposed logging units … Continue reading Umpqua Sweets Chronicles Vol 1: Down by the Riverside