Join Us Online Oct. 3 at 1pm

Cascadia Wildlands is excited to be involved with the Eugene Environmental Film Festival this year! Our “Voices from the Umpqua” film is available to a global audience, and tomorrow our Grassroots Organizer, Dylan Plummer, and Umpqua resident and activist Francis Eatherington will be presenting a panel discussion online at 1pm that will not only talk … Continue reading Join Us Online Oct. 3 at 1pm

New Video! “Voices from the Umpqua”

We will not let the Roseburg BLM clearcut along the North Umpqua without a fight! But don’t listen to us, listen to the folks that stand to be the most impacted by this logging. Watch our new short video about the Umpqua Sweets old-growth timber sale. Many thanks to all involved! Made in collaboration with … Continue reading New Video! “Voices from the Umpqua”

Umpqua Sweets Chronicles Vol 1: Down by the Riverside

by Gabriel Scott, In-House Counsel Is old growth clearcutting on public lands making a comeback on the North Umpqua River? Thus seems to say the BLM in its latest timber sale announcement, called “Umpqua Sweets.” While BLM’s official announcement is itself so vague and legalistic as to melt into nothing, recent groundtruthing of their proposed logging units … Continue reading Umpqua Sweets Chronicles Vol 1: Down by the Riverside

Press Release: Wolves Return to Lane and Douglas Counties!

March 21, 2019 — Today, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed gray wolf activity through track sightings and remote camera images in the Umpqua National Forest north of Highway 138. The Indigo wolves are using a large wild area that spans Lane and Douglas Counties and the Willamette and Umpqua watersheds.

Climbing the Quartz Timber Sale

The Quartz Timber sale is an 847-acre logging project set to take place in the Umpqua National Forest. The timber sale proposes to commercially log and burn older forest in the Cottage Grove Ranger District. We believe that insufficient consideration was given to the presence of imperiled spotted owls and red tree voles, both species … Continue reading Climbing the Quartz Timber Sale

Marching in Francis’ Army

by Josh Laughlin, Executive Director   I remember first meeting Francis Eatherington the day she rolled into an Earth First! road blockade high up on the Umpqua National Forest on her motorcycle. She was wearing a leather biking jacket, had a stack of timber sale maps under her arm, a compass dangling from her neck … Continue reading Marching in Francis’ Army