Rally Against the “Who Will Own the Forest” Conference — Sept 27

From September 26-28, the World Forestry Center in Portland will be hosting a conference titled “Who Will Own The Forest,” set to be attended by the most notorious representatives in the Wall Street timber industry to scheme on the financialization of forest ecosystems, expand greenwashing, carbon trading, biomass, and land grabs in Cascadia and around … Continue reading Rally Against the “Who Will Own the Forest” Conference — Sept 27

Statement on the 9th Circuit Court Ruling Dismissing our Portland Teargas Case

In 2020, federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) descended on Portland escalating police violence against people demanding an end to racist police violence. DHS agents used unprecedented amounts of teargas, pepper spray, and other chemical munitions on the crowds. Thousands of Portland residents were exposed to harmful chemicals known to cause cancer, … Continue reading Statement on the 9th Circuit Court Ruling Dismissing our Portland Teargas Case

Environmental, public health, and social justice groups file legal challenge against DHS citing lack of analysis on impacts of teargas to human health and the environment

October 20, 2020 — With no regard for health or safety, the federal government blatantly violated federal environmental law when it flooded Portland and the surrounding communities with an unprecedented amount of dangerous chemical weapons, a lawsuit filed today by a broad coalition of environmental justice and civil rights advocates alleges.

Carolyn comes to Cascadia!

Greetings! My name is Carolyn Candela, and I’m the new Development and Operations Manager at Cascadia Wildlands. I am currently finishing up my Masters degree in Nonprofit Management at the University of Oregon. I came onto the staff part time at the beginning of May, and will be transitioning into a full time position by … Continue reading Carolyn comes to Cascadia!

BLM Announces More Meetings on Resource Management Plan Revision

The Bureau of Land Management will be holding a series of public meetings to discuss potential changes to the Resource Management Plans for BLM forest lands in Western Oregon. These important meeting are billed as opportunities for the public to provide input about their desires and provide feedback on proposal elements.  Please find your city below … Continue reading BLM Announces More Meetings on Resource Management Plan Revision

Rally to Protect Western Oregon’s Forests, Waters and Wildlife • October 1, Holladay Park, Portland

Join Cascadia Wildlands and conservation allies across the state at a rally to protect western Oregon's public lands, clean rivers and wild fish runs on Tuesday, Oct. 1 from 12:30-1:30 at Holladay Park (NE 11th and Holladay St.) in northeast Portland.    Late last week, through legislation co-sponsored by Rep. Peter DeFazio, the House of … Continue reading Rally to Protect Western Oregon’s Forests, Waters and Wildlife • October 1, Holladay Park, Portland

Press Release: State of Oregon Suspends 10 State Forest Timber Sales in Marbled Murrelet Habitat

July 2, 2012 — The State of Oregon has suspended operations on 10 timber sales in marbled murrelet habitat one month after Cascadia Wildlands, the Center for Biological Diversity and the Audubon Society of Portland filed a lawsuit alleging the state’s logging practices in the Tillamook, Clatsop, and Elliott State Forests are illegally “taking” the imperiled seabird in violation of the Endangered Species Act.  To prevent additional murrelet habitat from being lost while the case works its way through the court system, the conservation groups filed an injunction request in federal court to halt sales and logging in the occupied murrelet habitat pending the outcome of the lawsuit.