Press Release: 9th Circuit Court of Appeals Upholds State Efforts to Protect Salmon Habitat from Mining

September 12, 2018 — This morning the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals upheld an Oregon law restricting motorized gold mining in sensitive salmon streams. In 2017, Oregon passed the Suction Dredge Reform Bill (SB 3) to protect water quality and fish habitat across the state from damaging suction dredge mining.

Saving Oregon’s Famed Rivers and Wild Salmon from Gold Mining

by Nick Cady, Legal Director It has been a long road to suction-dredge mining reform in Oregon, but this campaign is close to finalizing permanent protections for Oregon’s iconic rivers and wild salmon.  Suction dredging is an incredibly harmful, gold-mining practice that involves sucking up fragile river bottoms through a large, gas-powered vacuum. This mining practice … Continue reading Saving Oregon’s Famed Rivers and Wild Salmon from Gold Mining

Federal Court in Oregon Rejects Miners’ Challenge to Suction-dredge Regulations

March 25, 2016 — This morning a federal court upheld an Oregon law restricting motorized gold mining in and along sensitive salmon streams. The District of Oregon court held that the State of Oregon has the right to regulate both state and federal land to protect water quality and fish habitat, and it has done so in a manner that does not conflict with federal law.

Press Release: Bill to Protect Salmon Habitat in Oregon Passes House and Senate, Awaits Governor’s Signature

July 8, 2013 — Celebrated by fishermen, landowners, outdoor recreation businesses, and river advocates, Senate Bill 838 (SB 838) has just been passed by the Oregon House and Senate. SB 838 is now on the Governor’s desk awaiting only a signature to become law. The bill takes steps to protect salmon habitat throughout
Oregon through reasonable reductions in levels of suction dredge gold mining.

General Response to Joe Greene

[Editor's note: When the New 49er's griped about the bias of scientists involved in the public advisory committee for suction dredging in California, the State eventually acquiesced allowed the New 49ers to invite two people with science degrees from their camp.  They selected Joe Greene and Claudia Wise retired EPA scientists from Oregon and current … Continue reading General Response to Joe Greene

The Impacts of Suction Dredge Mining

Harmful to aquatic life. Suction dredging harms fish and other wildlife. Suction dredging reduces the ability of fish to see, feed, and spawn. Additionally, the turbidity and increased sedimentation caused by suction dredging can clog fish’s gills. These impacts further threaten Oregon’s fish and other aquatic wildlife, including endangered salmon species. Reduction in water quality. … Continue reading The Impacts of Suction Dredge Mining

Suction Dredging…Sucks

By Bob Ferris   My access point to my career in the conservation field came originally from fish.  I caught my first trout on the Eel River in northern California while my family was on their way to visit the 1962 World’s Fair in Seattle.  As we were on our way north, my mother grudgingly … Continue reading Suction Dredging…Sucks