Hundreds of Businesses Across Oregon Urge Congress to Pass the River Democracy Act

September 29, 2021 — A growing number of businesses from across Oregon support Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley’s River Democracy Act (S.192), and are urging Congress to pass the bill. The legislation that will protect roughly 4,700 miles of rivers as wild and scenic was crafted with the input from Oregonians all across the state.  

Of Zombies, Zane Grey and Western Rivers

By Bob Ferris I became convinced yesterday that actors who play zombies in movies learned their walking techniques from fly fishermen wading in swift rivers on slippery and slimy cobble.  I came to that conclusion as I “gingerly” crossed the North Fork of the Middle Fork of the Willamette River—it is all in the balance … Continue reading Of Zombies, Zane Grey and Western Rivers

The Impacts of Suction Dredge Mining

Harmful to aquatic life. Suction dredging harms fish and other wildlife. Suction dredging reduces the ability of fish to see, feed, and spawn. Additionally, the turbidity and increased sedimentation caused by suction dredging can clog fish’s gills. These impacts further threaten Oregon’s fish and other aquatic wildlife, including endangered salmon species. Reduction in water quality. … Continue reading The Impacts of Suction Dredge Mining